Goldendoodle Growth Survey

We’ve already learned a lot about goldendoodle growth… But there’s still so much more to know! We’re on a mission to learn as much as we can about goldendoodle growth, and YOU can help!

Please take a few moments to complete our survey.  Don’t know all the answers? That’s okay! You can fill out as much or as little as you like. Please share this survey with all your doodle friends! The more goldendoodle lovers who complete it, the better. Thanks everyone!

If your goldendoodle is still a puppy, you’ll love our goldendoodle puppy time lapses!

Create your own user feedback survey

Check back in December for the survey results!

Abria’s 2018 Mini English Goldendoodle Puppies

happy birthday

Abria welcomed a beautiful litter of 6 mini English golndedoodle puppies on Tuesday, February 27th! There are five boys and one girl. Three of the babies appear to have curly coats. We will be able to tell more about their coats in the upcoming weeks. Puppies are born with their eyes and ears closed, but they still know how to make noise! They grunt and squeal as they feel their way to Abria, looking for a meal. Right now, the puppies spend all their time eating, sleeping, and growing.

Mini goldendoodle litter

so much growing

Puppies spend their first few weeks eating, sleeping, and growing. Exactly how much growing does a newborn puppy do? Here’s a picture of two puppies that both had the same birth weight. The bigger one is just 9 days older than the smaller.

goldendoodle puppy size

1 week

goldendoodle litter

At one week old, the puppies continue to spend their days eating, sleeping, and growing – and snuggling with their mama of course! Their weights are all hovering right around 1lb, so they’ve done a lot of growing in just seven days. The pigment on their noses and the pads of their feet has filled in, changing from pink to black. The puppies’ eyes and ears remain closed, but they still know how to find their mama when their bellies start longing for a tasty meal.

goldendoodle litter

2 weeks

Everyone’s eyes are opened, although their vision still isn’t clear yet. The puppies are beginning to attempt toddling around a little, and their legs will continue to gain strength throughout the upcoming week. Their days continue to be filled with eating, sleeping, and growing.

goldendoodle puppy open eyes
red mini goldendoodle litter
goldendoodle puppy tennis ball

9 days old

goldendoodle puppy size

16 days old

3 weeks

tiny goldendoodle puppy
young goldendoodle puppy
mini goldendoodle puppies

At three weeks old, these little ones have moved out of our bedroom and downstairs to the puppy pen where they will spend the remainder of their time with us. Here in our family room they are exposed to everyday household activity. They have also started listening to a habituation soundtrack to help them become accustomed to sounds such as fireworks, vacuuming, etc. The puppies already enjoy snuggling on your lap!

4 weeks

goldendoodle puppies in crate

The puppies are walking about, exploring the world around them. They enjoy playing with each other, too. In between their short bursts of energy, they still spend most of their time sleeping. Whether piling together, finding a snuggly friend or cuddling with mama, these pups know how to find a good napping spot.

goldendoodle puppy snuggles
goldendoodle puppies

5 weeks

Dex dog tote bag
red goldendoodle puppy
goldendoodle puppy
goldendoodle puppy

6 weeks

7 weeks

8 week goldendoodle puppy
8 week goldendoodle puppy
8 week goldendoodle puppy
goldendoodle sunglasses


8 week goldendoodle puppy
8 week goldendoodle puppy

getting ready for your puppy

We’ve created a puppy shopping list to help guide you as you prepare to bring your new pup home!

meet the parents

Learn more about Abria & Moses by visiting our parent dog page. Want to see pictures of Abria’s past litters? You can find those on Abria’s personal page. There’s also are videos of her past puppies if you’re curious what this litter will look like in a few weeks. Don’t forget to check out Instagram for more pictures of the parents, past puppies, and this current litter.

goldendoodle and poodle wearing hats

Abria & Moses

All of these puppies have found loving homes. We do not plan to have another litter of mini puppies until sometime in 2019.

Junie’s 2018 Medium English Goldendoodle Puppies

7 weeks













6 weeks

5 weeks

The puppies are sure growing up fast! They love bounding around our family room and kitchen, exploring every inch. They play hard and then find a safe place to crawl under for a rejuvenating siesta. While they continue to nurse some, the puppies are now eating meals each day. We fed them in crates for the first time, a skill on which we will continue to work. The puppies are also beginning to go outside more regularly (crazy Ohio weather permitting!). They are a lively, curious, and friendly bunch!


4 weeks

The puppy’s individual personalities are beginning to show through! They enjoy exploring the world around them and playing with the different toys in their pen. They also enjoy playing with each other. While the puppies still spend much time sleeping, they now have longer playful/awake periods. If you sit on the floor, you’re sure to have a lap full of puppies! They continue to nurse but have now started eating food as well.


The puppies continue listening to their habituation soundtrack, and we continue to introduce them to new objects. They have also gotten to explore the great outdoors for the first time!

goldendoodle puppies outside

3 weeks old

The change between two and three weeks is amazing! While still wobbly and unsteady, the puppies use walking rather than crawling as their primary means of getting around. They have started playing with each other. Their playful interactions look like slow motion! The puppies have moved out of our bedroom into the puppy pen, where they will stay the remainder of their time with us. Here, in the center of household activity, they will be exposed to everyday sounds and events. We also give them a new object or toy each day. Our goal is to expose the puppies to as much as we can during their time with us, so we provide them with toys made from a variety of materials and toys that make different sounds. We also provide them with different textures on which to walk. The puppies already amble over to you and climb onto your lap when you sit in the puppy pen!


The puppies have started listening to a habituation soundtrack to familiarize them with a variety of sounds, such as a cat’s meowing, a hair dryer, and knocking. Since our son’s favorite is the airplane track, the puppies get to listen to that one twice every day! Don’t worry, they are exposed to plenty of toddler sounds and the accompanying toy noises as well 🙂


2 weeks old

The second week of life is a week of many firsts! The puppies’ eyes have opened, so they can begin to look at the world around them for the first time. Their vision will continue to sharpen over the next few weeks. The puppies are also beginning to take their first wobbly steps. They still continue to spend the majority of their time eating, sleeping, and growing, but they are now able to make their way around their puppy area at a slightly higher rate of speed. The puppies have also had their nails clipped for the first time.


11 days old

This is a big week for Junie’s babies: in the next few days, their eyes will start to open!

goldendoodle litter

1 week old

Junie’s babies are now 1 week old! They’ve crossed the 1lb mark, almost doubling their birth weight already. They continue concentrating on eating, sleeping, and growing.

Junie's puppies at 1 week old

Junie’s puppies at 1 week old

happy birthday!

English Goldendoodle Litter

Junie’s puppies at 3 days old Junie welcomed a beautiful litter of 6 English golndedoodle puppies on Sunday, February 18th! There are four boys and two girls. Pink Girl and Green Boy appear to have curly coats. We will be able to tell more about their coats in the upcoming weeks. Puppies are born with their eyes and ears closed, but they still know how to make noise! They grunt and squeal as they feel their way to Junie, looking for a meal. Right now, the puppies spend all their time eating, sleeping, and growing.

The Parents:

Learn more about Junie & Moses by visiting our parent dog page. Want to see pictures of Junie’s 2017 litter? You’ll find those posted in our blog as well as on Junie’s personal page. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for additional pictures of Moses, Junie, past puppies, and this current litter!

Taking your doodle for professional grooming
clean doodle feet (aka poodle feet)

Getting Ready For Your Puppy

We’ve created a puppy shopping list to help guide you as you prepare to bring your new pup home!

Junie’s Medium English Goldendoodle Puppies

Check back here regularly for updated pictures of Junie’s goldendoodle puppies! (Click on any picture to view it larger)

These sweet puppies have all found forever families, which means they are not available to come home with you. This is the last of our 2017 litters. We plan to have more litters in 2018.

eight weeks old

At almost eight weeks old, these puppies are excited to be joining their furever families in just a few days!! Wishing you all a happy gotchya day!

seven weeks old

six weeks old

five weeks old

four weeks old

Eat, play, sleep, repeat. The puppies have started wrestling and playing with each other. Their teeth are poking through, which means they enjoy nibbling and chewing. The puppies love exploring their environment and find everything new & interesting.

three weeks old

The puppies felt the green grass between their toes for the first time! Many fun outdoor play sessions are in their future 🙂

two weeks old

Sleepy puppy faces!

one week old

It’s amazing how much puppies grow and change in such a short amount of time! Junie’s medium English goldendoodle puppies are now just over one week old and each pup is weighing in slightly under 1.5 lb, which means they’ve already doubled their birth weights. Their noses and the pads on their feet are blackening. At a week old, puppies’ ears and eyes are still closed so they can’t see or hear. They rely heavily on their sense of smell, which is evident by their little sniffs and grunts. Junie’s puppies have already become much better and quicker at getting around their whelping area. When their belly’s start grumbling, they know how to find food in a hurry! Little tails wag during nursing to let you know they are thoroughly enjoying their meal.

medium english goldendoodle litter
Junie’s English Goldendoodle Puppies at 1 week old

Junie's goldendoodle puppies at 1 day old
Junie’s English Goldendoodle Puppies at 1 day old

Abria’s 2016 Mini English Goldendoodle Puppies

Abria delivered a litter of beautiful F1b English Goldendoodle puppies! There are four boys and one girl ranging from a medium to dark apricot in color. The puppies are eating and growing, just as they should be. Abria is a great mama. She spends nearly all of her time with her new family, leaving them only briefly a few times a day to go outside.

Newborn puppies are pretty helpless at first. Did you know puppies are born with their eyes and ears closed? That means they can’t see or hear and rely on their sense of smell and sense of touch for survival. But not being able to see or hear doesn’t keep them from making noise! Abria’s puppies squeak and whimper and grunt, especially when they’re crawling around looking for a place to nurse. Abria gently nudges them or licks them on the nose to help the puppies find her if they’re looking in the wrong direction. Puppies are instinctively attracted to heat, which means they pile close to their mama and close to each other. This is an incredibly important natural instinct because puppies have poor control their own body temperatures at first. Piling together helps everyone maintain a higher body temperature. Staying warm is key to gaining weight because puppies need to spend their calories on growing instead of exhausting them trying to keep warm. Plus puppies can’t digest when they’re cold. We monitor the room temperature carefully to ensure that it stays between 85°-90°. A new puppy’s main jobs are to sleep, eat, and grow. Newborn puppies twitch and move involuntarily in their sleep. This serves to help build muscle and is known as activated sleep. When they’re not eating, they’re sleeping, and when they’re not sleeping, they’re eating. And of course they’re growing all of the time!

Goldendoodle Puppy Shopping List

As the time approaches to bring home your new English goldendoodle puppy, the excitement & anticipation are certainly building. One thing you can do to prepare for your new bundle of fur is to go shopping! Here are some suggested items to purchase for your goldendoodle puppy:

Please note: although the pictures are links to products on Amazon, we don’t necessarily recommend that specific product over a similar one. A picture is worth a thousand words, so the pictures and product links are there simply to serve as examples to assist you in preparing for your new goldendoodle puppy.

Food & Water Bowls

Look to purchase stainless or ceramic bowls, as they are healthier for your puppy and easier to clean than plastic.


Your mini puppy will likely need a 14”-16″ collar when full-grown (the collar will probably adjust from 13″-19″ like this medium one) but may benefit from a smaller collar at first. She has been wearing a collar that is adjusted to about 9″-11″ during her last few weeks with us.  Be sure to browse through the myriad of gorgeous and unique handmade collars on Etsy!

Flat Leash

Pick out a sturdy flat lead that is 3/4″ wide that’s 5′-6′ long. Flexi leads are not the best choice for young puppies. We have leashes made by Kakadu and DexDog that we use regularly, and we have been happy with them both.

Identification Tag

Your puppy will go home with a microchip, but it’s always a good idea to have a tag on her collar to make it easy to identify her (without a microchip reader!).

Dog Crate with Divider

Metal is preferable over plastic, as it is easier to clean and allows your puppy to watch everything going on around her. Consider purchasing a 36″ crate with dimensions with a moveable divider for medium puppies (mini goldendoodles may be comfortable in a 30″ crate). You may prefer to use a smaller crate can be used while your puppy is little rather than using the divider.

Dog Treats

Treats should be soft, small, and easy to chew quickly. Purebites dog treats are a good option. They are made with just one ingredient (i.e. lamb liver) and don’t contain ingredients such as BHA that you don’t want your puppy to consume.

Metal Comb or Grooming Rake

A metal comb is a great tool for curly coated Goldendoodles and a grooming rake works well for wavy coated Goldendoodles. These will help keep in undercoat free from tangles. For more information on grooming, check out our goldendoodle haircuts post.

Slicker Brush

A slicker brush is handy for fluffing the outer coat on your goldendoodle.

Nail Clippers or Cordless Dremel

We like to use normal human toenail clippers for trimming our dogs’ nails. Either nail clipper or a cordless dremel will work for trimming your puppy’s toenails as well – it’s a matter of which you prefer. Your puppy will have had it’s nails trimmed prior to going home and your vet & groomer will likely offer to trim her nails when you take her in for appointments, but it’s still important for you to trim her nails at home.

Styptic Powder

It’s a good idea to have styptic powder on hand just in case you trim your puppy’s nail a little too short. Styptic powder is located next to the nail clippers in the pet store.

Doggie Toothbrush

You may find that the finger toothbrush is easiest to use when your goldendoodle is a puppy.

Carpet Cleaner (Stain/Odor Eliminator) & Paper Towels and Clorox Wipes

To clean up those inevitable puppy accidents…

Bell for Housebreaking

A bell is handy for housebreaking, so your goldendoodle has a way to tell you when she needs to go out. Any bell will work, it doesn’t have to be a bell specifically for dogs.


When your goldendoodle puppy is young, she will enjoy soft toys, but keep in mind that her sharp teeth will eventually allow her to chew through stuffed toys quickly. As she gets older, Jolly Balls, chew ropes, etc. will last longer. Food dispensing toys are a fun way to encourage your puppy to channel her energy into something productive. Look for toys that specifically say “non-toxic” on the label.

A Book about Puppies

If you’re interested in doing a little preparatory reading, The Art of Raising a Puppy by the Monks of New Skete is a great choice. You’ll find this book is a handy reference as you tackle housebreaking, etc


Baxter & Bella Online Training Program

Baxter & Bella is a unique online puppy raising resource that helps new owners with everything from preparing your home to basic manners to make a socialization checklist. Use the code Timberidge for 25% off Baxter & Bella!

puppy food

You puppy will be used to eating TLC Puppy Food, so order a bag from and they’ll ship it to your home, where it will be eagerly awaiting the arrival of your newest family member

Misc. Items:

  • A piece of material to hold the mamma dog’s scent (i.e. a wash cloth) and/or a Snuggle Puppy
  • Old towels or small blankets for the crate
  • Pure Pumpkin paste – Going to a new home can be stressful and some puppies develop runny stool in response. If your puppy starts having runny stool, give 1tbsp/serving of puppy food.
  • Baby gate(s) – you may need a gate or two to section off your house during housebreaking
  • Chew Toy – It’s good for teething puppies to have something to sink their teeth into. Split elk antlers (use the code TRGD15 for 15% off at RidgeRunner Antlers) and yak chews are great options. Avoid raw hides, as they are not healthy option for your puppy, and never give your dog poultry bones, as they can splinter easily.

Curious what your puppy will look like as an adult? View our goldendoodle puppy time lapses to see goldendoodle puppies with different hair types grow up before your eyes! Also learn about how big your puppy might grow up to be.