Want to dog-proof your home? Here’s a perfect guide for you

Want to Dog-Proof Your Home? Here's a Perfect Guide for You.

Written by: Shubham Singh

Taking care of a pet can require a lot of pre-planning and investment. Dog proofing your house can be one such activity where you need to put in considerable thought so that your pet is kept absolutely safe. Dog-proofing the house will also keep your belongings and furniture safe from sharp claws or fur. Therefore, we’ve amassed some handy tips that you can follow in order to set up your house accordingly.

Tip #1: Install a latched trashcan

Pet owners generally adopt a puppy when they are just 8-9 weeks old—and the little ones might be extremely mischievous and run all over the house. Owing to their teething, young puppies tend to chew anything that is in front of them. As a result, you must cover your trash can and attach a latched lid to it in order to prevent your pet from chewing the discarded materials and falling sick.

Tip #2: Set the medicines out of reach

You should keep all your medicines and first-aid equipment on the higher shelves so that they are out of your dog’s reach. Remember, certain medicines used by humans can be extremely harmful to dogs and might even cause death. While certain drugs used for curing humans might also be used in the case of dogs, you should never try that without consulting a vet. Additionally, if you think your dog has gulped any of the medicines, make sure you take him to the vet immediately.

Tip #3: Make sure there are no hanging wires

Puppies are generally playful and hanging wires can be enticing to chew, presenting a potential threat to your puppy’s life. Thus, be sure that the wires of your lamps, television, and even your sound system do not hang and are kept out of the reach of your dog. Installing wire casings may be helpful so your dog can move around the house freely without any threat of being accidentally electrocuted.

Tip #4: Inspect your garage regularly

Take a look around your garage to check for chemicals and equipment that are close to the floor. While having those things easily within reach is convenient, it’s of dire importance that chemicals, insecticides, and other sharp objects out of your puppy’s reach to prevent accidental injury or poisoning.

Tip #5: Cover any heating machine

Do you happen to have an induction cooktop or an oven on the lower shelf in your kitchen? Do you sometimes leave hot food close to the counter’s edge? Dogs have a keen sense of smell and a keen appetite, so make an effort to cover hot objects and place them out of reach – which might also mean checking that chairs are pushed into the table so your dog doesn’t have a handy step stool. You don’t want your dog to sustain a burn injury while trying to enjoy your roast in the slow cooker.

Tip #6: Put away children’s toys

If you have a child and a pup in your house, managing both together might be a task! As you puppy-proof your home, keep in mind that not every child toy is puppy safe. Small objects can be easily swallowed. Soft toys made of cotton and other fibers might get into the nose of your dog, potentially causing complications. Remind your child to keep toys out of the puppy’s reach, and include your child in the selection of of variety of pet-friendly toys for your puppy.

Tip #7: Check for harmful plants

Certain plants that you might use to decorate your rooms or landscaping might be harmful and even poisonous for your dog. For instance, you should keep cactus, Aloe-Vera, and other such plants out of your puppy’s reach. The sap of these plants might cause a serious allergic reaction in your dog!

Invest in pet insurance

It’s helpful to take all the necessary precautions in your home to ensure the safety of your dog. Make an effort to place any potentially harmful items out of your dog’s reach so that the health of your dog is not compromised.

It’s difficult to constantly monitor every activity of your puppy because of its curious nature. As a result, despite your best efforts, there might be a case where your playful puppy meets a minor or a major accident in your home home. In order to protect your dog from illness and injury and to provide it with the best treatment available, it’s worth while to have your dog insured. The kind of financial coverage depends on the nature of the insurance policy that you have chosen for your dog. One renowned pet insurance company is Texas pet insurance.

In conclusion

Though dogs are curious in nature and might cause a little extra chaos in your home, especially when they are puppies, these adorable creatures are absolutely worth your time and effort. Do your part to ensure that they are safe at your home and are able to enjoy themselves without any inhibition.