7 weeks






6 weeks
5 weeks
The puppies are sure growing up fast! They love bounding around our family room and kitchen, exploring every inch. They play hard and then find a safe place to crawl under for a rejuvenating siesta. While they continue to nurse some, the puppies are now eating meals each day. We fed them in crates for the first time, a skill on which we will continue to work. The puppies are also beginning to go outside more regularly (crazy Ohio weather permitting!). They are a lively, curious, and friendly bunch!

4 weeks
The puppy’s individual personalities are beginning to show through! They enjoy exploring the world around them and playing with the different toys in their pen. They also enjoy playing with each other. While the puppies still spend much time sleeping, they now have longer playful/awake periods. If you sit on the floor, you’re sure to have a lap full of puppies! They continue to nurse but have now started eating food as well.

The puppies continue listening to their habituation soundtrack, and we continue to introduce them to new objects. They have also gotten to explore the great outdoors for the first time!

3 weeks old
The change between two and three weeks is amazing! While still wobbly and unsteady, the puppies use walking rather than crawling as their primary means of getting around. They have started playing with each other. Their playful interactions look like slow motion! The puppies have moved out of our bedroom into the puppy pen, where they will stay the remainder of their time with us. Here, in the center of household activity, they will be exposed to everyday sounds and events. We also give them a new object or toy each day. Our goal is to expose the puppies to as much as we can during their time with us, so we provide them with toys made from a variety of materials and toys that make different sounds. We also provide them with different textures on which to walk. The puppies already amble over to you and climb onto your lap when you sit in the puppy pen!

The puppies have started listening to a habituation soundtrack to familiarize them with a variety of sounds, such as a cat’s meowing, a hair dryer, and knocking. Since our son’s favorite is the airplane track, the puppies get to listen to that one twice every day! Don’t worry, they are exposed to plenty of toddler sounds and the accompanying toy noises as well 🙂

2 weeks old
The second week of life is a week of many firsts! The puppies’ eyes have opened, so they can begin to look at the world around them for the first time. Their vision will continue to sharpen over the next few weeks. The puppies are also beginning to take their first wobbly steps. They still continue to spend the majority of their time eating, sleeping, and growing, but they are now able to make their way around their puppy area at a slightly higher rate of speed. The puppies have also had their nails clipped for the first time.

11 days old
This is a big week for Junie’s babies: in the next few days, their eyes will start to open!

1 week old
Junie’s babies are now 1 week old! They’ve crossed the 1lb mark, almost doubling their birth weight already. They continue concentrating on eating, sleeping, and growing.

Junie’s puppies at 1 week old
happy birthday!

Junie’s puppies at 3 days old Junie welcomed a beautiful litter of 6 English golndedoodle puppies on Sunday, February 18th! There are four boys and two girls. Pink Girl and Green Boy appear to have curly coats. We will be able to tell more about their coats in the upcoming weeks. Puppies are born with their eyes and ears closed, but they still know how to make noise! They grunt and squeal as they feel their way to Junie, looking for a meal. Right now, the puppies spend all their time eating, sleeping, and growing.
The Parents:
Learn more about Junie & Moses by visiting our parent dog page. Want to see pictures of Junie’s 2017 litter? You’ll find those posted in our blog as well as on Junie’s personal page. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for additional pictures of Moses, Junie, past puppies, and this current litter!

Getting Ready For Your Puppy
We’ve created a puppy shopping list to help guide you as you prepare to bring your new pup home!