Help Your Goldendoodle Enjoy Swimming

Golden retrievers and poodles are both breeds originally developed to be water retrievers. Your goldendoodle’s ancestors undoubtably liked the water. But how do you introduce your goldendoodle to the water in a way that helps her realize that innate love of swimming her great great grandparents knew? Help make her first experience a positive one by following these few tips:

1. Allow your goldendoodle to be in control

Jumping off of a boat or into a pool is much different than playing at a beach of in a river where the depth gradually increases. Your goldendoodle will likely have a better first experience if she can control the depth. Tossing her off of a boat or into a pool will immediately put her into panic mode as she desperately swims for dry ground. Letting her play at a beach along a calm river will allow her to go further and further into the water as her confidence increases, helping her to have a fun time.

2. Fun toys are a must

When kids go to the pool, they always want to haul along a bag of their favorite water toys. Your goldendoodle is no different. She’s going to have a much better time if toys are involved! Bring a variety of different canine water toys such as floating balls, throwing stick, water bumper, and soft frisbee. Having different options keeps water play fun and exciting, plus it allows your doodle to show you what toys she likes playing with in the water.

3. Bring water-loving friends!

The more the merrier is a saying that holds true to water play! When introducing your goldendoodle to water for the very first time, bring along puppy friends who already love the water. When your girl sees how much her friends are enjoying the water (and playing with her water toys), she’ll be enticed to join them. A little bit of positive peer pressure can go a long way 🙂

4. Pick a calm spot on a warm day

While your goldendoodle may very well love riding the waves, for her very first water outing, try to select a location where the water is calm. Avoid strong currants and big waves. Ideally, a calm river or pond with a gradually increasing depth is the best spot for that first water adventure. It probably goes without saying, but you don’t want to swim in cold water on a cold day and neither does your pup. Pick a summer day with plenty of sunshine for that first tine of water fun.

5. Get ready to get wet

Your goldendoodle is a people-oriented dog who wants to be what you’re doing. If you’re having fun in the water, she’ll be temped to join you. If you’re relaxing on the beach, she’ll want to hang on the beach. Encourage your doodle to play in the water by getting into the water yourself and showing her just how fun it truly is!

A few other water tips:

  1. Avoid mats: As you and your goldendoodle enjoy swimming together, beware that swimming (particularly in chlorine water) can cause your pup’s hair to mat. If you plan to swim regularly, keep your pup in a short clip.
  2. Not every dog is a swimmer: some dogs don’t have the body structure to be good swimmers and may not find swimming easy & enjoyable. That’s okay! Don’t push your dog beyond her comfort level. Even if your dog doesn’t love full body swimming, she may still love playing in shallow water with you. 
  3. Kayaking, paddle boarding, and canoeing with your dog is a great way to introduce her to the water in a way that isn’t totally focused on swimming. Our dogs love boating on the river with us on all three of those types of vessels. 
  4. Bring plenty of clean drinking water. While there will certainly be a lot of water available for your pup to drink when she becomes thirsty from playing, it’s not the water you want her drinking. Playing in the water is sure to make her thirsty, so pack clean drinking water and bowl for your furry friend to enjoy.


From swimming in a pond to kayaking on the river to beach vacations at the Great Lakes, we have so much fun playing in the water with our goldendoodles, and we hope you & your goldendoodle will enjoy your time in the water together as much as we do! Happy swimming!