Timberidge Goldendoodles is proud to partner with an experienced reproductive veterinarian to ship semen around the country. Please email us at Goldendoodles@TimberidgeFarms.com for more information.

Gideon is a friendly, snuggly, playful, happy boy. He loves human attention and thoroughly enjoys belly rubs and cuddles. If you’re sitting on the floor, he likes to rest his head on your shoulder and, if you’re up for it, he’ll even lay on top of you for a full-body dog snuggle! Gideon also enjoys the great outdoors. He loves going for walks and is happy to play in the backyard for hours. Gideon has yet to meet a stranger, human or canine, and enjoys playing with other dogs of all sizes. Gideon’s favorite toy is probably his Snuggle Puppy. He still enjoys sleeping with Snuggle Puppy and also carries him around the house during the day. Find pictures of some of Gideon’s past puppies here.
Call Name: Gideon
Breed: F1 English Goldendoodle
Height: 18.5″
Weight: TBD
Coat: Wavy, Light Apricot, Non-Shedding
Personality: Loyal, Affectionate
Loves: Belly Rubs
Birthday: August 27th
Health Clearances: OFA excellent hip rating; OFA normal elbow rating; Clear for all 224 diseases tested for by Canine HealthCheck, CDDY & CDPA clear through Animal Genetics, CAER eye exam (last Dec 2021), Normal patellas, Normal basic cardiac screen
Trait Testing: S/sp (carries parti), +/- for curl
Available to ship semen
Semen analysis: Motility: 95.27 % Sperm Concentration: 47.6 million/ml Viable Sperm: 544.18 million
Moses is an apricot poodle who loves being with his family. He loyally follows us like a shadow around the house and yard. Rain won’t stop this boy from sticking by your side. Moses loves to lie on the floor next to you with his chin resting on your foot. He’ll happily chew on his kong or favorite bone for hours, and he loves to retrieve. Walks are by far Moses’ favorite activity. He gets excited as soon as you mention the word. Car rides are also top on his list, as he enjoys leaning out the window and feeling the wind in his face. Moses is a goofy, playful, happy boy. Find pictures of some of Moses’ past puppies here.
Breed: Poodle
Height: 17”
Weight: 24lbs
Titles: CGC, RL1, RATI
Coat: Curly, Apricot, Non-Shedding
Personality: Loyal, Happy
Favorite Activities: Going on Walks, Car Rides
Health Clearances: OFA Hips normal, OFA normal Patellas, OFA normal Cardiac, CAER normal (last eye exam 10/2019), vWD clear (type I & II), prcd-PRA clear, GM2 Gangliosidosis clear, Osteochondrodysplasia clear
Available to ship semen