Lykeable Farm’s Rosa Dulce
Call Name: Rosy
Breed: Mini English Goldendoodle
Height: 15″
Weight: 24lbs
Coat: Curly, White, Non-Shedding; Two copies of the furnishing gene
Personality: Friendly, Snuggle Bug
Loves: Her crackle ball and any rope toy
Birthday: December 20
Health Clearances: OFA normal Hips & Elbows, OFA normal Patellas, OFA normal Cardiac, CAER normal (last eye exam 12/2021)
Genetic Disease Testing: Degenerative Myelopathy clear, PRA Golden Retriever Types 1 & 2 clear, prcd-PRA clear, Neonatal Encephalopathy clear, vWD Clear
Rosy’s registered name is Rosa Dulce, which means “sweet rose”. It fits her personality perfectly! She is a snuggly, friendly, happy girl who is an attentive companion, and is always up for anything. Rosy knows no stranger, human or animal, and is eager to say “hello” to anyone she meets. Her sweet nature shines through when she snuggles our pet bunny or walks around our yard with the chickens. Rosy enjoys walks, car rides, going on hikes, playing in the creek, and cuddling with us. When we watch a movie, Rosy crawls under our blanket and snuggles up close. She especially loves when her doggy friends come over to play. Her favorite toys are her crackle ball and any rope toy. She also likes squeaky toys (just like her mama ZuZu)! Rosy is a cuddle bug for sure, and loves to snuggle up next to anyone in the house.
We’re excited that Rosy has two copies of the furnishing gene because all of her puppies with Boaz will also have two copies. This means that all of their puppies will genetically be a good match for families with pet dander allergies. Read more about the furnishing gene and its role in shedding and allergies in this blog post.
Visit Orthopedic Foundation for Animals to view some of Rosy’s OFA testing results and view Rosy’s DNA testing on her Embark page.
Before adding a dog to our breeding program, we delve into the pedigree, searching for longevity, health testing, health issues, etc. Rosy’s parents both boast OFA good hips, and normal elbows and patellas. Rosy’s mama is a 34lb F2 English Goldendoodle and her papa is a 14lb Miniature Poodle. Rosy’s mama, ZuZu, comes from a long line of health tested parents and grandparents- all 6 have passing OFA hip scores! Rosy’s papa, Peter, has passed all of his health and genetic testing and, thanks to Peter, Rosy carries parti (a gene that can offer color variation in her coat- it’s where she gets her cute apricot ears!). We like to research pedigrees vertically and horizontally. Rosy’s maternal grandparents are middle aged and healthy. Rosy has paternal siblings who have also passed their health and genetic testing as well as aunts & uncles on her mama and papa’s sides of the family who have rocked their health testing.
Please note: Rosy is owned by Lykeable Farms, and her puppies will be raise in their home with our guidance and mentorship.

Rosy’s Past Puppies
Rosy & Boaz make some pretty cute babies! Arya and Willow both have their own Instagram accounts where you can see pictures of these two adorable pups on their daily life adventures.