What should you expect when you take your goldendoodle to the groomer? Each time you take your doodle for professional grooming, the groomer will bathe your dog, trim her nails, pluck the hair out of her ear canals, give her a sanitary clip (trim under her tail & under her belly to keep the potty areas clean), and cut the remainder of her hair however you desire. As I'm sure you can imagine, this is a fairly time intensive process and as a result, most groomers will have you drop your dog off for a couple hours if not for the entire day. When you drop your doodle off, the groomer will ask you how you want her hair cut. It might take several groomings to determine you favorite doodle doo, so if you don't like the first clip, simply try a different cut next time.
How Much Does It Cost To Groom A Goldendoodle?
The cost of professional grooming varies greatly. Factors such as the size of your dog, whether your dog's coat is matted, and whether you design a complicated clip involving a lot of scissoring. For a mini goldendoodle under 20lbs, professional grooming starts at $35 +tip (in Ohio) and goes up from there. Grooming for a standard goldendoodle can cost significantly more. Just as you tip your own beautician, be sure to tip your doodle's hair stylist as well. If the cost of grooming is a concern there are a few measures you can take to help stretch out the time between grooming appointments. How often does a doodle need to go to the groomer? It varies from dog to dog but largely depends on how short you have your doodle's hair clipped and how frequently you brush your doodle. For a curly coated doodle, expect to take her to the groomer every 2 months or so. For a wavy coated doodle with a shorter clip, you likely will be able to space her grooming appointments further out. Doodles with curlier coats require more frequent brushing to prevent matting than those with wavier or straighter coats. Having your goldendoodle's hair cut to a shorter length (i.e. 3/4") means it will take longer to grow out, thereby extending the time between grooming trips. In between professional grooming, your doodle will need you to trim hair out of her eyes and give her a quick sanitary clip. Find out the answers to many common doodle grooming questions in our interview with a professional dog groomer!
Don't Poodle My Doodle!

You may have heard the phrase "don't poodle my doodle!" This generally means that you want your doodle to have a shaggier appearance and you don't want the traditional clean feet & clean face associated with the poodle kennel clip. Even with a full face and rounded feet, your dog might still look a little poodly because it is! The best way to help your doodle maintain a shaggy appearance is to brush her regularly. Neglecting to brush your doodle can lead to mats. Mats are extremely difficult to comb out, even for groomers, and if there are too many your groomer will simply shave down your ball of fluff to remove the mats. The longer you keep your doodle's coat, the more frequently you will need to brush her. If you find that your doodle has mats, try to brush them out prior to taking her to the groomer. Bringing in a good example pictures helps the groomer know the exact style you're looking for.
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