How To Trim A Goldendoodles Face
Arguably, the most important part of a doodle grooming cut is the face clip. When your furbaby looks you in the eyes begging for a walk or pleads innocence despite the trashcan lying on it's side, that sweet doodle face captures the personality of your dog. The style of the face also determines whether a haircut looks distinctively poodle or decisively doodle.

Goldendoodle Ears & Top Knot
As you likely observed above, the muzzle isn't the only feature affecting the look of your doodle's face. The ears and top knot (the hair on top of your dog's head) also have a great influence on appearance. Fortunately, there aren't quite as many styling options here! It essentially all comes down to the length of hair your prefer for your pet.
Here are three pictures of Abria. The length of her ear feathering increases from left to right, giving her face different looks. Also notice that her top knot is a medium length in the photo on the left and short in the other two.

The second set of pictures is of Junie (a light cream goldendoodle). Junie has short ear feather and a short top knot in all three pictures - the difference is her muzzle! Junie with a full face gives a different feel than Junie with a bearded face. Junie with a short clipped face looks like an entirely different doodle.

Do Goldendoodle eye lashes grow back?
Yes, goldendoodle eyelashes grow back! When your goldendoodle visits the groomer, her eyelashes will likely get a little trimming too. Groomers often try to leave lashes long, but sometimes it's inevitable for them to get shortened a bit in the process of trimming the rest of the face and head. Don't worry though. Goldendoodle eyelashes grow back!