How To Groom A Goldendoodle
Regardless of whether you choose to have your doodle professionally groomed or choose to try your hand at grooming your doodle at home, there are a few basic grooming skills that are necessary for every doodle owner.
If you don't already have them, you will want to purchase: a slicker brush, a steel comb, and nail clippers (see below to learn about different types of nail clippers). These are the tools necessary for basic doodle maintenance. Your dog will need regular brushing and nail trimming in between full grooming sessions.
Basic Goldendoodle Grooming Tools
The first step to giving your doodle a complete haircut on your own is to gather the needed supplies. Some you may own already. Others you may need to purchase. You can usually find all of these items at a local pet store, although I have found the same products to be significantly cheaper on Amazon.
- Dog Clippers (with detachable blade) - a #10 blade will likely be included. If not, purchase one for trimming your doodle's belly, bottom, and under her ears.
- Coolant
- Clipper Comb Extension Set
- Steel Comb
- Scissors - ball point (or blunt tipped) is best for the safety of your beloved pooch
- Thinning Shears
- Shampoo & Conditioner (I prefer leave in conditioner so I don't have to rinse my dogs twice)
- Detangler if needed
- Towels
- A Leash or other means for keeping your dog still
If you plan to groom your doodle regularly, consider purchasing a grooming table with an arm.
Giving Your Dog A Perfect Goldendoodle Haircut
Goldendoodle clips aren't one size fits all. What looks good on one goldendoodle won't necessarily look good on the next. For instance, Maple looks good with long ears but Abria can't pull off long ears. She looks much better with short ears. Also keep in mind that coat type impacts appearance. It will likely take a few trips to the groomer to figure out exactly what you like for your special pup. Here are a few examples of clips we like. Again, keep in mind that every doodle is different.

How To Brush A Goldenoodle
Brushing is the key to having a cute doodle haircut, especially if you like the look of a longer coat and especially if your doodle has a curly coat. There are two main tools for brushing a doodle: the slicker brush and the steel comb. A slicker brush is handy for fluffing your doodle’s outer coat. A quick run over with a slicker will make your doodle’s coat look soft and fluffy. While slickers are great at finding your doodle's mats, they aren’t great at untangling tham. That’s where the metal comb and grooming rake come into play. A metal comb works best for curly coated doodles while a grooming rake may work well for wavier coated doodles. If you encounter a mat, use a pair of thinning shears or blunt tipped scissors to help remove it. You may also want to try a detangler. It's easiest to untangle mats when they're small.
A doodle covered in mats means a shaved down puppy, regardless of whether you prefer the shorn look or not. Sometimes people wonder whether a groomer actually could get all of the mats out of their doodle and is simply taking the lazy route by shaving her. Truly, the groomer may be looking out for your doodle's best interest. If your child's hair was laden with tangles, would you really want a stranger pulling and tugging at them for hours? You likely wouldn't put your child through such a hair-pulling experience, and you honestly don't want your dog to go through that either. Remember, you want your doodle to like going to the groomer. Rather than blaming the groomer if you doodle requires a shave down, resolve to brush your dog regularly so your doodle can have a cuter clip for her next haircut.

Who doesn't love that quintessential hair in the eyes? It's almost a trademark characteristic of goldendoodles. But it doesn't take long that one cute curl to become an entire tuft of hair, hiding her eyes and blocking her vision! My favorite tool for trimming the hair around doodle's eyes is a pair of thinning shears because they help cut away unwanted hairs without leaving a distinct line. You'll also want a pair of small blunt tipped scissors.
Check out this post for step-by-step instructions & pictures about trimming a goldendoodle's face yourself.
The Sanitary Clip
You've likely noticed that your doodle gets a little unkempt in certain areas faster than other areas. Hair starts blocking her vision. She's begins getting little cling-ons on her rear end. But you love her shaggier look, and she doesn't seem quite ready for a full haircut. There are a few extra grooming steps you can take at home to help keep her clean and tidy in between grooming appointments. Expect to perform this maintenance every 4-6 weeks.
A pair of sturdy dog clippers with a detachable blade is a worthwhile investment. Use you dog clippers and a #10 blade to trim your dog's belly, behind, and under the ears. Doing a maintenance trim will help decrease the frequency of your doodle's grooming appointments, so the dog clippers will quickly pay for themselves. Your doodle has a thick coat and will benefit from clippers designed specifically for grooming dogs. The clippers you use on your own head will overheat and wear out quickly trimming your doodle's coat.
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