Birthday Update for Coco’s 2023 Puppies


Izzy is not just a 26-pound lapdog, but a perfect, gentle, and loving companion who brings immense joy to our lives. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her, and she reciprocates that love to them. She loves belly rubs, running around in the back yard with Lucy, our 15-year-old Westie, and joining me on my morning runs. While Izzy is not a fan of swimming in the pool or the ocean, she enjoys splashing around in puddles. Playing fetch with a ball is Izzy’s favorite game. She eagerly retrieves it while making her signature “woo woo” sounds.  We spend most of pour days together in my office where she sleeps wrapped around my feet under my desk.  

We loved meeting new puppies at obedience school where Izzy successfully completed the requirements for AKC S.T.A.R. PUPPY and AKC Canine Good Citizen. Now she’s ready to embark on a new adventure as a therapy dog, spreading joy and comfort to those in need.


I can’t believe Mack will be 1 years old already.  He and my husband have share the same birthday so we are planning a fun celebration for both!  
Mack weighs 32 pounds now. He’s a happy boy, very active and curious about new discoveries.  He loves meeting new people or dogs and is a quick learner. He enjoys car rides, long walks, playing fetch and tug of war. He has experienced many new things this year. He travelled to northern Michigan’s hiking trails, Lake Michigan and Sleepy Bear Sand Dunes. He went on boat rides and attended a local parade. He goes on trips to Home Depot and TJMax, and to Michigan State University Tailgates. He is a chewer and loves his Yak cheese bones and bully sticks. He loves his toys although he’s pulled the stuffing out of most. He graduated from puppy school and has mastered the invisible fence enjoying his freedom to run around the yard.  He has many of the Doodle characteristics – sock snatcher, laying on his back, sprawled across the bed.


Rufus loves chilling on the couch and looking out the window to see if any of his doggy neighbors are around. His favorite activity is watching tv and cuddling. Rufus has plenty of favorite toys but is currently obsessed with his teddy bear and his toy pickle. Rufus is such a happy boy and is always looking to give kissies.


Bailey is a beloved part of our family.  She’s known in the neighborhood and with our friends as a loyal, happy pup!  Following us around and staying with us when we’re out.  Her Excitement is one of our favorite things about her, she’s excited to meet everyone and makes new friends everywhere we go.  Bailey loves chasing toys.  Her favorite being her donut stuffy (the only fabric dog toy that she loyally won’t tear apart).  Her sweet eyes that seem to understand everything and melt our hearts.  Her favorite things to do are to have family snuggle time, and to “go get the ball!”…her favorite phrase.  Our favorite thing Bailey does is the cute way she gives hugs, holding your arm with two paws! 


A little about Callie:
Callie is very sweet and smart. She weighs 22 pounds.
She loves playing with her brother Bentley (also a Timberidge pup from Phoebe’s litter).
Her favorite toys are a stuffed avocado and a stuffed egg toast. She enjoys stealing whichever toy Bentley is playing with. He willingly surrenders it to his little sister. 
She makes us laugh when she “roars”.  Callie loves being around people.
She is very friendly and playful. We are always getting compliments on how cute she is. She had the softest fur!
We absolutely love our baby girl!
Thanks Adrienne for raising such amazing puppies!